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BASIC Source File
223 lines
Option Explicit
' This module contains routines and stuff specific to this app.
Global Const APP_VERSION_NUMBER = " Rev A"
Global Const APP_TITLE = "TT Editor"
Global Const NEW_FILE_TITLE = "<Untitled>"
Global Const BUTTON_OPEN = 0
Global Const BUTTON_NEW = 1
Global Const BUTTON_PRINT = 2
Global Const BUTTON_CUT = 3
Global Const BUTTON_COPY = 4
Global Const BUTTON_PASTE = 5
Global Const BUTTON_FIND = 6
Global Const BUTTON_TOOLTIPS = 7
Global Const BUTTON_HELP = 8
Global Const TOTAL_BUTTONS = 9
'Declare an array for each type of Mulitple Instance forms
Global Forms_frmTextEdit() As New frmTextEdit
' Give each Class of Mulitple Instance form an identifying number
' Calling it "class" will really anoy your VC++ friends !!
Global Const CLASS_frmTextEdit = 1
Sub EditMenu (Enable As Integer)
MDI.mnu_File_Save.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_File_SaveAs.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_File_Print.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Edit_Copy.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Edit_Cut.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Edit_Delete.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Edit_Paste.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Edit_SelectAll.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Edit_TimeDate.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Edit_Undo.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Edit_WordWrap.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Search_Find.Enabled = Enable
MDI.mnu_Search_FindNext.Enabled = Enable
Call SynchButtons
End Sub
Sub FindNextText (Search As String, Down As Integer, Compare As Integer)
Dim Temp$
Dim X As Integer
Dim Start As Integer
Dim C As Control
Set C = MDI.ActiveForm.ActiveControl
Start = C.SelStart + C.SelLength + 1
If Compare Then Compare = 0 Else Compare = 1
Temp$ = C
If Down Then
X = InStr(Start, Temp$, Search, Compare)
Start = InStr(1, Temp$, Search, Compare)
X = Start
Start = InStr(Start + 1, Temp$, Search, Compare)
If Start And Start < C.SelStart - 1 Then X = Start Else Exit Do
End If
If X Then
C.SelStart = X - 1
C.SelLength = Len(Search)
X = MsgBox("Cannot find " & Chr(34) & Search & Chr(34), MB_ICONINFORMATION + MB_OK)
End If
End Sub
Sub GetWindowPos (F As Form)
Dim lpFileName$, lpDefault%
Dim lpAppName$, lpKeyName$, X As Integer
lpAppName$ = F.Caption
lpFileName$ = App.EXEName & ".ini"
lpDefault% = Screen.Height * .1
lpKeyName$ = "Top"
X = GetPrivateProfileInt(lpAppName$, lpKeyName$, lpDefault%, lpFileName$)
If X Then F.Top = X Else F.Top = lpDefault%
lpDefault% = Screen.Width * .1
lpKeyName$ = "Left"
X = GetPrivateProfileInt(lpAppName$, lpKeyName$, lpDefault%, lpFileName$)
If X Then F.Left = X Else F.Left = lpDefault%
lpDefault% = Screen.Width * .8
lpKeyName$ = "Width"
X = GetPrivateProfileInt(lpAppName$, lpKeyName$, lpDefault%, lpFileName$)
If X Then F.Width = X Else F.Width = lpDefault%
lpDefault% = Screen.Height * .8
lpKeyName$ = "Height"
X = GetPrivateProfileInt(lpAppName$, lpKeyName$, lpDefault%, lpFileName$)
If X Then F.Height = X Else F.Height = lpDefault%
End Sub
Sub Main ()
If App.PrevInstance Then
App.Title = "... duplicate instance."
AppActivate APP_TITLE
SendKeys "% R", True
End If
Screen.MousePointer = 11: DoEvents ' Hourglass
Call Init_FormDetails
Call SetWindowPos(frmAbout.hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE)
Call DragAcceptFiles(MDI.hWnd, True) 'identify App to accept d/d messages
Unload frmAbout
If Len(Command$) Then
Dim Temp$
Temp$ = OpenFile(Command$)
If Len(Temp$) Then
Call NewFile
MDI.ActiveForm.Caption = UCase$(Command$)
MDI.ActiveForm.txtTextEdit = Temp$
End If
End If
Screen.MousePointer = 0
Call Main_Loop
End Sub
Sub Main_Loop ()
Do While DoEvents()
If MDI.WindowState <> MINIMIZED Then
Call UpdateStatusBar(MDI.StatusBar)
Call TT_Test
Call UpdateEditMenu
End If
Call CheckDragDrop(CInt(MDI.hWnd))
End Sub
Function OpenFile (FileName As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim Handle As Integer
Dim X As Integer
' Test to see whether the file is already open
For X = 0 To Forms.Count - 1
If Forms(X).Caption = FileName Then
Exit Function
End If
' Attempt to open the file if it isn't already
Handle = FreeFile
Open FileName For Binary As Handle
If LOF(Handle) > 60000 Then
Close Handle
X = MsgBox("File is too large. Launch Write instead ?", MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_OKCANCEL)
If X = IDOK Then
Handle = Shell("Write.exe " & FileName, 1)
End If
OpenFile = Input$(LOF(Handle), Handle)
Close Handle
End If
End Function
Sub SaveWindowPos (F As Form)
Dim lpFileName$, lpValue$
Dim lpAppName$, lpKeyName$
lpAppName$ = F.Caption
lpFileName$ = App.EXEName & ".ini"
lpKeyName$ = "Top"
lpValue$ = F.Top
If WritePrivateProfileString(lpAppName$, lpKeyName$, lpValue$, lpFileName$) Then
End If
lpKeyName$ = "Left"
lpValue$ = F.Left
If WritePrivateProfileString(lpAppName$, lpKeyName$, lpValue$, lpFileName$) Then
End If
lpKeyName$ = "Width"
lpValue$ = F.Width
If WritePrivateProfileString(lpAppName$, lpKeyName$, lpValue$, lpFileName$) Then
End If
lpKeyName$ = "Height"
lpValue$ = F.Height
If WritePrivateProfileString(lpAppName$, lpKeyName$, lpValue$, lpFileName$) Then
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdateEditMenu ()
Dim C As Control
If Not Screen.ActiveForm Is Forms(0) Then
Set C = Screen.ActiveControl
If Not C Is Nothing Then
MDI.mnu_Edit_Undo.Enabled = sendMessage(C.hWnd, EM_CANUNDO, 0, ByVal 0&)
MDI.mnu_Edit_Paste.Enabled = IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) Or IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_OEMTEXT) Or IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_DSPTEXT)
MDI.mnu_Edit_Cut.Enabled = (sendMessage(C.hWnd, EM_GETSEL, 0, ByVal 0&) And &HFFFF&) - (sendMessage(C.hWnd, EM_GETSEL, 0, ByVal 0&) \ &H10000 And &HFFFF&)
MDI.mnu_Edit_Copy.Enabled = MDI.mnu_Edit_Cut.Enabled
MDI.mnu_Edit_Delete.Enabled = MDI.mnu_Edit_Cut.Enabled
Call SynchButtons
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub WriteFile (FileName As String, FileData As String)
Dim X As Integer
Dim Handle As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Err = False
Handle = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As Handle
Print #Handle, FileData
Close Handle
If Err Then X = MsgBox("An Error occured while saving.", MB_OK)
End Sub